Hausmann Group September 1, 2020 3 min read

COVID-19 Data Tracker Update as of August 31, 2020

This past weekend, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shared a recent study on COVID-19 fatalities which stated that 6%, or 9,683, of COVID-19 deaths listed only COVID-19 as the cause of death among the 164,280 COVID-19 deaths. The other 94% of deaths occurred in patients with an average of 2.6 additional conditions or causes along with COVID-19.

A few examples of comorbidities listed as having higher incidence of mortality in conjunction with COVID-19 include respiratory diseases, circulatory conditions, sepsis, diabetes, and vascular or unspecified dementia. More detail on comorbidities contributing to COVID-19 mortality can be found on the CDC website.

The CDC has also updated the Provisional Death Counts for COVID-19. The graph below shows all COVID-19 deaths by age for patients with and without comorbidities. It is notable that recent dates may be under reporting deaths due to a lag in the receipt of death certificates.

Provisional Death Counts 8-31


As of August 31, 2020, Wisconsin is reporting a rate of 6.4% for positive COVID-19 tests. Among midwestern states, Michigan has the lowest rate at 4.1%. The Midwest’s percentage of positive tests is below the median for all states (Midwest: 6.4%, median for all states: 7.4%).

Below is a look at Wisconsin’s two-day net change in COVID-19 positive rates in addition to hospitalizations and fatalities.

Two Day Change WI 8-31

We hope that you find this information of value as we all continue to navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic. We will continue to regularly update the COVID-19 Data Tracker as more data becomes available. 

Click here to download the complete COVID-19 Data Tracker for August 31, 2020 from our BSG Analytics team.