Hausmann Group October 4, 2016 2 min read

Employment Law: House Passes Bill to Delay Date that Overtime Rule Takes Effect


Our friends at SHRM recently published an article explaining the House of Representatives decision to pass a bill that would delay the Department of Labor's new overtime regulations for six months. 

We explain in an earlier blog what the overtime rule is and what it means for employers. Read more about the overtime rule, here.

As the original overtime deadline loomed, many small businesses argued that they were being forced to lay people off. While some argue that doubling the exempt salary threshold for overtime from $23,660 to $47,476 just isn't doable, other Representatives argue that many workers have been being denied fair pay for far too long. Visit the SHRM blog, to read more about the recent delay. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Hausmann-Johnson Benefits Consultant or our benefits department