Jim Ahearn January 29, 2020 1 min read

Changes to Wisconsin Contractor's Premium Adjustment Program (WCPAP)

If your organization is eligible to file for the Wisconsin Contractor’s Premium Adjustment Program, please be aware that effective 2/1/2021 the Wisconsin Compensation Rating Bureau (WCRB) will no longer issue courtesy orange postcard reminders to employers.

Beginning with policies effective 7/1/2021, we encourage all eligible employers to create their own reminders to complete their WCPAP Online Application every year. Employers must submit a WCPAP Online Application every year, no less than 90 calendar days prior to the first day of the month of their worker’s compensation policy renewal.

The WCPAP Online Application is updated every year on the evening of September 30th. Therefore, you may complete the online application as soon as October 1st, regardless of your policy effective date.

If you have questions regarding this change, please reach out to a member of your Hausmann-Johnson Insurance team.


Jim Ahearn

Before joining the team at Hausmann-Johnson Insurance in 2008, Jim partnered with HJI as a property and casualty underwriter at Cincinnati Insurance. While he underwrote commercial insurance programs for HJI, he also led a team of claims, audit, and risk control representatives with Cincinnati. This level of involvement gave Jim an intimate knowledge of HJI’s clientele, level of service, and way of doing business. Jim’s experience lent itself well towards a transition to the agency, giving Hausmann-Johnson the expertise to better negotiate for clients and position them at a higher level in the insurance marketplace. Now as Vice President of Risk Management, Jim is involved with HJI’s most complex insurance programs and largest clients. Jim became a shareholder of Hausmann-Johnson in 2011. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Elon University and has pursued post-graduate studies. He is a Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) and holds the Certified Risk Management (CRM) and Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) designations from the National Alliance for Insurance Education and Research.